Monday, August 22, 2016

New school year, same homework battles

With the start of school on Monday, this photo illustration captures the soon-to-be future for many Miami-Dade students, whose heads are about to be again buried in homework. Roberto Koltun

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It’s 6 p.m. and the kids are just getting home from after-school care. Dinner needs to be cooked. Showers must be taken, uniforms laid out and lunches made.

But first, there are homework battles to be fought.

“The homework is crazy. It’s crazy. It’s really difficult and long,” said Mary Padilla, who has a daughter in public school entering third grade. “Sometimes it’s so overwhelming that she just can’t handle the homework, even with a tutor helping her.”

The beginning of the school year on Monday marks the return to homework. Late into the evenings, on weekends and even during vacations, Miami-Dade parents say slogging through the demands of homework sparks friction in households and cuts into time for family, friends and extracurriculars.

"I feel like they don’t play enough, like they don’t have time to be kids. It’s always, ‘C’mon. Work, work, work."
 Roxane van de Put, who has two children attending Miami-Dade public schools

But the fights, the tears, the nagging — it’s all worth it, right? Doesn’t homework help kids learn?

Maybe not. Harris Cooper of Duke University, considered one of the country’s leading researchers on the topic, has concluded that “there is no evidence that any amount of homework improves the academic performance of elementary students.”

For older students, surveys and studies have shown that assigning homework requires Goldilocks-like balance to be academically useful. Too easy, and kids can become disengaged. Too hard, and test scores may actually decrease. Too time-consuming, and a student’s health can suffer.

Still, the assignments keep coming.

Survey says: Too much homework

More than 100 parents responded to a Miami Herald inquiry about homework in late fall, and 84 percent said their child has too much.

In an unscientific survey by the Herald, about 35 parents logged their child’s homework load for a week. Most respondents — 39 percent — said their kids were spending between one and two hours a day completing assignments at home. The vast majority of parents said their children were in public elementary schools, with many from Sunset Elementary, a high-performing magnet in the wealthy Coral Gables area.

Some parents said their kindergartners — 5- and 6-year-olds — had an hour or more of homework.

Ruth Ewing described nights when her kindergartner would fall asleep at the computer while doing homework into the evening.

“They are so exhausted they don’t have the ability to concentrate any more and you’re forcing them to,” said Ewing, a vet pathologist in Miami. “You have the push back of, ‘I want to play with my dolls. I want to unwind.’ 

Parents reported taking textbooks along on ski trips, skipping baseball practices and missing family get-togethers — all because of homework. Roxane van de Put worries about the impact it has on her two children attending Miami-Dade public schools.

“I think in the long term it’s not good for them in the sense that they’re very tired,” she said. “I feel like they don’t play enough, like they don’t have time to be kids. It’s always, ‘C’mon. Work, work, work.’ 

The Miami-Dade school district has a homework policy that calls for “meaningful” assignments. It includes recommendations for the number of minutes students should spend completing homework every day. The policy calls for:

▪ 30 minutes of homework in kindergarten and first grade;
▪ 45 minutes in second and third grade;
▪ 60 minutes in fourth and fifth grade;
▪ 75 minutes in middle school; and
▪ 120 minutes in high school.

The policy was updated last year, taking parent feedback into account. Marie Izquierdo, the district’s chief academic officer, knows that won’t make the homework debate go away.

“Sometimes you’ll have parents who think the rigor of a school is weighed by homework,” she said. “And then you have parents who think their kids have too much homework.”

Many school districts across the country have similar policies. The national PTA and National Education Association recommend the “10-minute rule,” which prescribes 10 minutes of homework per grade level. So kindergartners would get none, and fifth-graders would be assigned up to 50 minutes while seniors in high school would complete 120 minutes.

Miami-Dade parents said homework loads consistently surpass those recommendations — and the district’s. That’s especially so in the spring when standardized tests loom. Stakes are high: Schools and teachers can earn money, or face consequences, based on how well students perform on the Florida Standards Assessments.

Sometimes you’ll have parents who think the rigor of a school is weighed by homework. And then you have parents who think their kids have too much homework.
Marie Izquierdo, Miami-Dade chief academic officer

Others say the shift to new, tougher learning standards has led to increased homework demands. Last school year was the first time the Florida Standards were fully implemented, forcing teachers to shift lessons and cover different material than they’re used to.

Add to that the fact that teachers tend to underestimate how much homework they assign, according to surveys.

“I think that the teachers are very assessment-focused and they have to get certain things done in a certain period of time to get ready for whatever the Florida Standards test is going to be,” said Lee Weirich, who has two children in Miami-Dade public schools. “I think they just sort of feel this is another way for them to get the material taught.”

But, like most parents interviewed by the Miami Herald, Weirich was reluctant to blame teachers. Instead, they point to education policies that hold teachers accountable for test scores and dictate what should go on in the classroom.

“I’m a big believer in having high standards and challenging kids, but I don’t know that homework is the way to do it. I think the real reason is metrics,” said David H. Pollack, whose daughter attends Sunset Elementary. Why are teachers being held slaves to metrics?”

Izquierdo acknowledged the pressure teachers are under. Though course curricula are designed to cover the full 180 days of the school year, students are faced with cumulative tests weeks before the school year ends — putting everyone in a crunch.

“It’s this constant tension to steal time,” she said.

A time eater

Nationally, research has produced mixed results on the question of whether today’s kids are really spending more time on homework than previous generations.

One commonly cited study from the University of Michigan found that the youngest students — ages 6, 7 and 8 — have double the amount of homework than their peers of the 1980s did. For older students, however, some studies have shown that the load has remained about the same as that of their parents.

Data from the U.S. Department of Education shows that elementary and middle school kids spend almost five hours a week on homework. In high school, it’s closer to seven hours a week.

But affluent students at high-achieving high schools may have it worse. They spend more than three hours a night on homework, according to a study co-authored by Denise Pope, co-founder of the Challenge Success Center at Stanford University. All that homework may be counterproductive.

“If you look at the past research that shows if homework is useful and helpful for academic achievement, you get really mixed reviews when it gets to over two hours at the high school level,” she said.

Pope and co-authors Mollie Galloway and Jerusha Conner surveyed more than 4,000 high school students in communities where household income exceeds $90,000. In response to open-ended questions, teens identified homework as the number one stressor in their lives.

The impact plays out physically, mentally and emotionally. Teens reported sleep deprivation, headaches and a lack of time for family and friends.

Parents should step back

In the younger grades, much of the stress around homework comes from the friction it causes between parents and kids. That’s why, experts say, the best thing for parents to do is step back.

“I say to parents over and over again: It’s not your homework,” said Dr. Jeffrey Brosco, professor of clinical pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.

Parents should make sure kids have a suitable place to do their work and help with time management when it comes to deadlines. But don’t hover, Brosco says.

“If the true value of homework is that the child is able to learn independence, then the parents undermine it by making sure it gets done,” he said. “If the child does it, that’s fine. But if they don’t, that’s the teacher’s responsibility.”

Pope, who also co-authored a recently released book called Overloaded and Underprepared, said parents should steer away from getting involved in the academic content.

Correcting wrong math problems or editing book reports can mislead teachers into believing a child has mastered the content. Or, it can confuse children who may have been taught one way at home but another way in school.

“We use a soccer analogy. You would never cross over on the soccer field and start moving your child’s legs to kick that ball,” she said. “You’re a cheerleader on the sidelines. The same thing goes for homework.”

Izquierdo, the Miami-Dade academic officer, encouraged parents to talk to teachers if homework demands become overwhelming. But first, she said to look at what’s going on at home: Does your kid have a quiet place to work? Is she checking social media or watching TV while trying to finish assignments? That could all contribute to more (unproductive) time spent on homework.

“We all have a responsibility,” she said. “It’s not just the teacher. It’s not just the kid.”

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

3 skincare rules you need to live by

Remember to apply sunscreen throughout the day. Handout TNS
As a dermatologist, treating my patients’ skin, hair and nail issues is my top priority, but educating them comes in a close second. I keep a running list of questions I receive and advice I give that fall outside of the “basics,” so I’ll be sharing these in the coming weeks.

Here, then, are three rules you need to live by to protect your skin:

Rule No. 1: Don’t use old doxycycline or tetracycline. We know you are not supposed to use expired medications; however, we often keep them in our cabinets anyway. Drug manufacturers are required by law to place expiration dates on prescription products, and this date represents the final day the manufacturer guarantees the full potency and safety of a medication. 

There are two main issues with expired drugs. First, the expired drugs might not work and second, expired drugs can be dangerous. Doxycycline and tetracycline (brand names include Oracea, Soladyne and Minocin) are often prescribed by dermatologists to treat acne or rosacea. Expired doxycycline and tetracycline fall into the dangerous category because they can cause kidney disease such as Fanconi’s syndrome. For this reason, be sure to toss old doxycycline or tetracycline antibiotics after their expiration date.

Rule No. 2: Use an SPF of at least 15 every day. Many people know to wear SPF when doing prolonged outdoors sports such as golf and tennis. However, small increments of unprotected daily sun exposure add up and cause skin aging, unwanted pigmentation and skin cancer. One study in the February 2004 Dermatology Therapy journal, “An analysis of cumulative lifetime solar ultraviolet radiation exposure and the benefits of daily sun protection,” showed that wearing a SPF of 4 to 10 every day can reduce the accumulated lifetime UV exposure by 50 percent or more. In other words, when you are in your 70s, you will have roughly half the sun damage compared to those who do not wear and SPF of at least 4 every day.

Most people only apply 25 percent of sunscreen necessary to achieve the SPF on the label. (Half a teaspoon is the correct amount.) For this reason, we recommend a SPF of 15 every day to make up for the fact that most people do not apply enough and do not reapply throughout the day. And it goes without saying, prolonged sun exposure (more than 15 minutes of direct sun) requires a waterproof sunscreen of SPF 60 or higher—and don’t forget to reapply every hour.

Rule No. 3: Avoid combination sunscreen/bug repellent products. Several studies have looked at the efficacy of SPF and insect repellent when used together. It has been found that sunscreen loses efficacy when used with the insect repellent N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). An August 2000 JAAD study, “The effect of sunscreen on the efficacy of insect repellent: A clinical trial,” it was shown that sunscreen does not affect the efficacy of insect repellent. However, when these products are combined, you need to reapply sunscreen more often (but you should not have to increase the amount of insect repellent that you use).

Do you have a skincare question that you’d like me to answer? Post it on our Facebook page and we just might include it in an upcoming story about other skincare rules you should be following!

Dr. Leslie Baumann is a board-certified dermatologist, New York Times best-selling author and CEO of Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute in Miami.

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Your anti-aging arsenal: Retinol and retinoid skincare products

The Food and Drug Administration approved the over-the-counter sale of Differin, which had only been available by prescription. It is a retinol product that helps with anti-aging.

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Dermatologists often say that sunscreen is the number-one anti-aging product because it prevents the damage that eventually appears as visible signs of aging. But when it comes to anti-aging products that improve existing signs of aging, my product pick is retinol (and retinoids). Best, you can find effective products at all different price points at the drugstore, department store and your dermatologist’s office.

Understanding the difference between retinol and retinoids can be confusing, so here are the basics. Retinol (which is available over-the-counter) is part of the retinoid family of compounds. The retinoid family also includes prescription-based tretinoin, tazarotene and adapalene under a variety of brand names (such as Retin-A, Tazorac and Differin). These medications bind to retinoic acid receptors within the skin, where they turn on good genes (like the ones that promote collagen production) and turn off bad genes (such as the one that prompts the production of an enzyme that breaks down collagen).

It’s never too early to start using a retinol or retinoid product. Many teens use prescription-based retinol to improve acne, and this may help keep their skin looking younger and healthier longer. Even if you’re not acne-prone, the 20s are a great time to start using these products. Collagen production starts to slow in this decade, so it’s important to keep your skin’s production going strong.

You’re also likely to still be experiencing breakouts at least occasionally, and retinol helps promote the skin’s natural exfoliation process so dead skin cells don’t stick around and clog pores — a main trigger for acne. In the 30s and beyond, retinoids’ collagen-stimulating effect helps smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and its exfoliating effect helps maintain the skin’s radiance.

Although retinoids are widely prescribed for anti-aging purposes, they were originally studied for their effect on acne. Dr. Albert Kligman performed the Retin-A research trials for acne in the 1970s along with another dermatologist named Jim Leyden. They noticed that as their research subjects aged, they had less wrinkles. They were able to prove to the FDA that retinoids improve wrinkles, and that’s extremely difficult to do from a scientific standpoint. This eventually led to the approval of Renova, the first prescription topical for wrinkles caused by photoaging.

Anyone using a prescription-based retinoid for anti-aging knows that these products can cause some sticker shock at the pharmacy—but there was an exciting retinol development over the summer. The Food and Drug Administration approved the over-the-counter sale of Differin, which had only been available by prescription. This is great news because now everyone can reap the anti-aging (and anti-acne) benefits of this topical skincare product without a trip to the doctor’s office.

Just remember to start slowly, and only apply every third night at first. Then, increase to every other night, then every night once you know your skin can tolerate it. Dryness and flaking are common side effects when starting to use a retinoid, but if you stick with it, you’ll see the skin improvement is well worth it.
Dr. Leslie Baumann is a board-certified dermatologist and CEO of Baumann Cosmetic & Research Institute in Miami.

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Friday, August 19, 2016

World Humanitarian Day 19 August

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (shown on screens at left and right) addresses the closing ceremony of the World Humanitarian Summit, which took place in Istanbul, Turkey, on 23-24 May 2016.
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
"World Humanitarian Day is an annual reminder of the need to act to alleviate the suffering. It is also an occasion to honour the humanitarian workers and volunteers toiling on the frontlines of crises. I pay tribute to these dedicated women and men who brave danger to help others at far greater risk." — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon


2016 Theme: One Humanity


Every day, humanitarian aid workers stand on the front lines of war and disaster, braving tremendous dangers and difficulties to deliver assistance to those who need it most. World Humanitarian Day (WHD), which takes place every year on 19 August, recognizes the aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and mobilizes people to advocate for humanitarian action. The day was designated by the General Assembly seven years ago to coincide with the anniversary of the 2003 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq. 

This World Humanitarian Day, the UN and its partners are calling for global solidarity with the more than 130 million people around the world who need humanitarian assistance to survive. Under the theme of ‘One Humanity’, World Humanitarian Day will highlight how the world came together in Istanbul for the World Humanitarian Summit earlier this year, and made commitments to support people affected by crisis and ensure that aid workers can safely and more effectively deliver to those in need. 

Events will be held around the world on 19 August to honor the work of humanitarian workers and to celebrate the theme of ‘One Humanity’. In New York, a wreath-laying ceremony will take place at the United Nations headquarters, and a high-level event will be held in the General Assembly Hall. In addition a digital campaign will be launched on the day to raise awareness of the impossible choices that people caught in crisis face. World Humanitarian Day will also feature photo exhibitions and film screenings documenting the lives of those affected by conflict and disaster.

Sex ban man John O'Neill 'violent to all partners'

John O'Neill is attempting to have his Sexual Risk Order lifted
A man who must notify police 24 hours before he has sex told a nurse he had been violent to every girl he had slept with, a court has heard. 

John O'Neill, 45, from York, is attempting to have his Sexual Risk Order (SRO) lifted. He was cleared of rape last year.

York Magistrates' Court is to decide whether the interim order should be extended.

North Yorkshire Police has said it was satisfied the order was proportionate.

The SRO requires Mr O'Neill to disclose any planned sexual activity to the police or face up to five years in prison.

Oliver Thorne, for the police, read extracts from a report written by a community psychiatric nurse who spoke to Mr O'Neill in 2014.

Her notes said he had been sexually violent to past girlfriends and he was "not sure" if they had consented.

He told her he needed women "to be scared" during sex or "I don't respond", the court heard.

'Needs to be stopped'

The nurse noted he had suicidal thoughts and had been "preoccupied with killing himself and others" - an idea he found "soothing".

She also wrote Mr O'Neill thought "it would be safer for everyone if he was dead".

Magistrates were also told about a conversation between the father-of-two and his GP in which he discussed "biting and choking" sexual partners.

Dr Miriam Hodgson wrote her patient had "homicidal and suicidal thoughts" and had said his sex life had become violent.

Her notes added: "Thinks he may have raped someone, it went further than she expected" and "Patient thinks he is dangerous and needs to be stopped."

Mr O'Neill also told her he thought about killing a partner "a lot" and had "choked her unconscious several times," the court heard.

Earlier, Mr O'Neill had told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme that he was homeless and sleeping rough in a wood near York.

The hearing continues.

Source: BBC

Poor Sanitation Persisted at U.N. Missions Long After Haiti Cholera Crisis

A man bathing in the Meye River in Meye, Haiti, in 2012. Studies have traced the 2010 cholera outbreak there to infected United Nations peacekeepers whose fecal waste had leaked into the river.  
Credit Damon Winter/The New York Times
Years after medical studies linked the 2010 cholera outbreak in Haiti to infected United Nations peacekeepers, the organization’s auditors found that poor sanitation practices remained unaddressed not only in its Haitian mission but also in at least six others in Africa and the Middle East, a review of their findings shows.

The findings, in audits conducted by the United Nations Office of Internal Oversight Services in 2014 and 2015, appear to reflect the organization’s intent to avoid another public health crisis like cholera.
But the findings also provide some insight into how peacekeepers and their supervisors may have been either unaware of or lax about the need to enforce rigorous protocols for wastewater, sewage and hazardous waste disposal at United Nations missions — despite the known risks and the lessons learned from Haiti, where at least 10,000 people have died from cholera and hundreds of thousands have been sickened.

The United Nations acknowledged for the first time this week that it bore some responsibility for the Haiti disaster, after having repeatedly presented a public face of ignoring the incriminating evidence and invoking its diplomatic immunity from legal action. The acknowledgment came after the organization’s special adviser on the cholera epidemic, in a confidential report seen by The New York Times, called such a position morally indefensible.

The audits may illustrate a more systemic weakness of United Nations peacekeepers, the blue-helmeted soldiers who are supposed to protect the vulnerable and uphold high moral standards in the 16 missions they operate. They are not supposed to be public health risks.

The peacekeeping missions that were audited — in Haiti, the Darfur region of Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liberia and South Sudan — all practiced varying degrees of “unsatisfactory” waste management.

“The results are egregious and show that this is a massive problem across U.N. missions around the world,” said Beatrice Lindstrom, a lawyer with the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, a Boston-based advocacy group that has been pressuring the United Nations for accountability in the cholera crisis.

The audits, Ms. Lindstrom said, showed a pattern of unsanitary practices “that continued to be a problem, not only in Haiti.”

In Liberia, for example, auditors of peacekeeping facilities found untreated sewage in rainwater drains, inadequate plumbing, cracked septic tanks and inadequately contained “gray water,” or waste from sinks, bathtubs and washing machines. In Lebanon, they found failures to maintain septic tanks and remove sludge, and the unacceptable mixing of hazardous and organic wastes.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, they found insufficient septic tanks and “soak pits,” which are porous chambers that allow wastewater to slowly leach into the ground. In Darfur, they found partly treated wastewater had been discharged into open fields and farms. In one location, the Darfur audit said, “kitchen organic waste was dumped into open pits exposing them to rodents and bugs and the growth of microbial pathogens.”

Perhaps most troubling were the findings in Haiti, which showed that more than three years after the cholera outbreak, peacekeepers were pouring inadequately treated sewage into public canals, ignoring laboratory warnings about fecal contamination, failing to inspect water treatment plants and septic tanks, and leaving some camps laden with garbage and overflowing toilets.

Several studies have traced the cholera outbreak to a contingent of Nepalese peacekeepers in the Haitian mission whose fecal waste had leaked into a river adjacent to their base. The bacterial strain of cholera in Haiti, where the disease had not been seen for a century, was similar to the strain in Nepal, where a cholera outbreak was underway.

The audits have not been publicized by the United Nations, although they are accessible on the Office of Internal Oversight Services’ website by searching for “waste” on the Internal Audit Reports page. The audit of the Haiti mission, however, was not accessible for months after it had been completed, for reasons that remain unclear.

Ms. Lindstrom and other lawyers for Haitian victims of the cholera epidemic, who have been trying to sue the United Nations for compensation, first learned of the Haiti mission audit this month when Fox News reported it was on the oversight office’s website. But it took a broader search of the website to find the audits of the other United Nations missions.

It is unclear from the audits, which are generally available online 30 days after they are completed, whether the sanitation problems they enumerate have been addressed.

In an emailed response on Thursday to requests for comment, the office of the United Nations Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support, which is responsible for the missions, said that all 13 of the auditors’ “critical recommendations” had been met, as had 14 of their 19 “important recommendations.” It did not specify which problems remained.

The office also said that all of the waste management audits in the missions had been undertaken after the Haiti cholera crisis began.

Similar audits are planned this year and next for the missions in the Central African Republic, Mali and Somalia.

Waste management specialists who reviewed the audits said they found them troubling but were not necessarily surprised. They acknowledged the challenges of minimizing public health risks from poor sanitary practices in some of the world’s most unstable places.

Daniele Lantagne, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Tufts University who specializes in water treatment, said the audits showed that in some places like Haiti, peacekeeping missions installed on-site sanitation facilities but failed to maintain them, contributing to “breaks in the system that could lead to transmission of disease.”

Ms. Lantagne, who was a member of a panel of experts commissioned by the United Nations to study the cholera outbreak, also tempered her criticism.

“On-site sanitation is hard. It requires a good system and ongoing maintenance,” she said. “What you see in these reports is that in some places they try to do something better, and in some places it’s not a simple problem to solve.”
Source: The New York Times,

Obamacare Hits a Bump

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act gathered outside the Supreme Court in 2015. Credit Doug Mills/The New York Times
More than two and a half years have gone by since the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, went fully into effect. Most of the news about health reform since then has been good, defying the dire predictions of right-wing doomsayers. But this week has brought some genuine bad news: The giant insurer Aetna announced that it would be pulling out of many of the “exchanges,” the special insurance markets the law established.

This doesn’t mean that the reform is about to collapse. But some real problems are cropping up. They’re problems that would be relatively easy to fix in a normal political system, one in which parties can compromise to make government work. But they won’t get resolved if we elect a clueless president (although he’d turn to terrific people, the best people, for advice, believe me. Not.). And they’ll be difficult to resolve even with a knowledgeable, competent president if she faces scorched-earth opposition from a hostile Congress.